Myofascial Release
Trauma, surgery, repetitive movements, prolonged postures, and disrupted inflammatory responses contribute to the development of fascial restrictions. Essentially, nearly everyone experiences some degree of limitation within their fascial system due to these factors. The continuous nature of the fascial network allows for compensation up to a certain threshold to accommodate these restrictions.
The Active Release Technique (ART) is a hands-on therapeutic approach that specifically targets muscles, ligaments, fascia, tendons, nerves, or capsules. During ART, tension is applied to the involved tissue, excluding the skin, holding it in a shortened position. Simultaneously, the structure is lengthened through a complete and comfortable range of active motion, maintaining tension throughout the process. This technique aims to address and alleviate restrictions within the soft tissues, promoting improved mobility and overall well-being.
Myofascial Release
30 minutes $65.00 60 minutes $130.00
45 minutes $95.00 90 minutes $15.00
Call 225.928.0486 to schedule a 30 or 60 minute session with Heather
Heather Landry
Staff Physical Therapist Assistant at the Linx Physical Therapy
Heather has 21 years of experience in outpatient physical therapy with a focus on manual and myofascial techniques.
Associates Degree in Physical Therapy: Our Lady of the Lake College in Physical Therapy Assisting, 1999.
Undergraduate Degree: Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology with a concentration on Human Movement, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 1994.
Member: American Physical Therapy Association
Licensed: LA State Physical Therapy Examiners
Awards & Honors: Dean's List at Our Lady of the Lake College Physical Therapy Assistant.
Certifications: Functional Movement Screens (FMS), IWA Certified Weight Trainer, IWA Certified Senior Strength Trainer, Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy I (CS1), Level 2 Reiki practitioner.